Add Counselor Profile

Grief Counsling Locator is NOT a directory. When you purchase your one-year membership to our program, you are not paying for a link to your website but to be part of a “new evolution” in how the general public becomes aware of grief counselors and how they connect with them.

Our modest payment requirement only pays for the administrative fees to craft your profile page and produce & schedule more than 50 social network posts to promote you as the expert counselor that you are. We get no commissions from your counseling practice.

Sure, we take an extensive profile of each member participant like a directory would. Sure, we make a profile page on our website for you like you would expect from typical directories. But, that’s about all has in common with other directory websites.

Grief Counseling Locator promotes each member specifically more than 50 times each year on social networks like Google+, Twitter, and facebook.

Grief Counseling Locator encourages guest blog posts from its members for direct exposure as a recognized expert

Grief Counseling Locator charges only $30…per YEAR!

Typical Internet directories simply produce a website featuring your profile. Some at least attempt to get your website to appear somewhere on Google search. Those directory sites cost anywhere between $100 and $1,000 per year for membership!
For a limited time, we’re offering an annual registration of just $30 to be included in our grief counselor listings.
Here’s how it works:

Step 1) Make your payment through our secured server shopping cart payment system of just $30 for the first year.

Step 2) Complete our grief counselor profile document. This document will be made available to you as soon as we receive confirmation by email that your order has processed. Simply download the document link from the transaction page after your order is complete and fill out the questionnaire.

If you are a non-techy person who shies away from completing web-based forms, well, you’re in luck! The form we need you to complete is in a simple MS Word document format. If you can type, save a document and email an attachment, you’re good to go!

Step 3) Email the completed form to us for processing. We will add your content to the website as your own family therapist page.

Step 4) Send a photo and video of yourself that you would like posted in your profile. We don’t require any particular format or photo sizes. Just send what you have and we’ll take it from there. Videos should be hosted on YouTube or Vimeo or some other 3rd party video hosting. We just need a link to that video.

Step 5) Review your posting. Once we’ve posted your profile, we will send an email to you. You can at that time request any changes to be made to your listing. And, we expect you’ll want changes too. After all, what you write in a document will just look different once it’s on a website.

A real person reviews each profile submitted to and manually posts the information for you to your profile page.
We do this for a few reasons, including:

1. Speed – Once a profile is received, we usually have them posted within an hour or so. This eliminates your need to have to learn web-based software or submit support tickets. We just use what you submit to us and the posting is live within the day.

2. Quality – Our background is in professional resume writing. We pride ourselves on assuring no profile posting will have wrongly spelled words or incorrect punctuation.

3. Visibility – We manually optimize each profile for top positions on Google organic search. SEO (or Search Engine Optimization) is part of our day job and we’re dang good at it. You could easily see your posting at the top or near top of Google for your grief counseling location location within a few weeks.

How Can You Help Get More Counseling Inquiries?

The key to more leads from the Internet for every business is quantity of traffic. There are three main ways you can work with us to generate even more leads for your counseling business. Here are 3 ways to do just that:

  • Guest Blog Posting – The blog area is visited by nearly 80% of all visitors of this website. You could be featuring content to those readers and demonstrating your skills and knowledge. Use our guest posting guidelines and submit your guest blog post to us today! People want to be counseled by recognized experts.

  • Share Our Social Network Posts with Your Connections – When we mention your name on a social network, share our comment with your friends, fans, and likes. We use your website and GCL profile to create positive statements about you and your counseling. These statements are added to our facebook, Google+, and Twitter accounts and sprinkled out to our networks of followers throughout the year. By connecting to our networks, you will see the mentions when they arrive and you can share them with your own networks bringing people to your profile from both networks—yours and ours. Similar to how someone is instantly perceived as an expert when they have a published book, a similar sort of “celebrity status” happens when peole start seeing you appear on social networks. People want to be counseled by people who are mentioned frequently in social media.

  • Grief Counseling Locator BadgeAdd Our Member Badge to Your Website – After your profile is added to this website, we will send an image for you to place on your website that brings people to your profile on the GCL site. It’s not mandatory, but strongly recommended. Just like people value Better Business Bureau emblems and association logos on your website, they will see your participation on GCL as a sign of your quality and dedication to your profession.

    Submit Your Profile Today!

    Let’s get started promoting your availability as a Grief Counselor today. Your next step is to simply place the order for the first year and we will take the next step for you.