Arlington Texas Grief Counselor John Black

Arlington Texas Grief Counselor John Black   Launch Map

John provides counseling at New Horizon Counseling Center in Arlington, Texas. John believes the experience of grief and the mourning process involves many changes in the life of the individual. It is a period of adaptation and transitions in all aspects of the individual’s life. He will provide that support and encouragement.

City: Arlington
State: Texas
Client Focus: All
Credentials: LCSW
Office Location: 1601 E. Lamar Blvd. Ste 214 Arlington, Texas 76011
Cross Streets: Lamar Blvd. & Baird Farm Rd.
Language: English, Spanish
Treatment Approach: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Solution-Focused Therapy, Client-Centered Therapy, Gestalt Therapy
Insurance: Yes
Payment Terms: Cash, Credit Card, & Check

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