Clouds or Sunshine? – It’s Your Choice

Guest Blog Post by Krystal Kuehn
“What a beautiful, sunny day,” I thought when I awoke this morning. “It’s going to be a good day!” I got out of bed with a new energy and a good attitude. Then I began to wonder, what is it about today that’s different from the past several days? Well, it was cloudy most every other morning until this morning. What a difference sunshine can make! Actually, as I pondered this, I came to realize that it is so much more than that. What it really comes down to is a choice. Notice that I had determined in my mind that it was going to be a good day. Every day and every hour, it is up to us to decide how we’re going to respond to situations, people, problems and plans.
External factors can have the power to influence us, lead us to feel pressured, or respond out of habit only in accordance to how much we allow them to. And that’s just it. How much will we allow them to? We have a free will. That leaves us with a responsibility to choose the good, true, just, and lovely if we want to enjoy our lives. Even the desire to break out of old, negative patterns requires us to make a choice. Ultimately, we are in control of our choices and attitudes.
Another key point that determined the good attitude I had for the day was the expression of my heartfelt gratitude as I enjoyed the beauty of the brightness from the sun. A heart of gratitude always improves our attitude. A grateful heart keeps our focus on the good in people, the possibilities, and the simple enjoyment and refreshing that can come from the things we so often take for granted.
Regardless of the weather or any other external factors, keeping our focus right will help us maintain a healthy attitude of hope and expectation of good things to come. The warmth of the sun, the brightness of its light, the shimmer of its beauty never changes. Clouds can block it but can’t take it away.
The next time the clouds threaten to take your sunshine away, remember that it is shining just as bright as ever. You don’t have to wait for the clouds to lift to experience its warmth or to appreciate its beauty. Let it remind you that God’s mercies are new every morning. He doesn’t change like the weather or people or situations do. He is always there to brighten up even your darkest day. His light will help you to see that there is hope no matter what the situation. The warmth of His love will wrap around you and keep you safe in His care. You can rejoice and be glad for this is the day the Lord has made and He wants you to enjoy it!
Written by Krystal Kuehn, MA, LPC, LLP, NCC, one of the many talented Grief counselors on
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Winston Salem North Carolina Michael Rivest, Ph.D.

Dr. Michael Rivest is a certified Sex Therapist and Christian Marriage Counselor in Winston Salem, North Carolina.
Personal loss of a loved one, a pet, loss of a job and other losses can affect anyone at any age, even devout Christians. Dr. Rivest understands that everyone grieves differently.
Doctor Rivest provides a safe, supportive environment where you will find the compassion and encouragement you need to make positive changes. He provides help in many areas, including:
- Depression & anxiety
- Chronic stress
- Grief & loss
- Adult survivors of abuse
- Post-abortion counseling
- Sexual Counseling including addictions
- Anger
- Relationship, teen and family issues
Troy Michigan Grief Counselor Krystal Kuehn, MA, LPC, LLP, NCC

Losing someone we love is one of the most painful and difficult experiences we will ever know. We go through so many emotions when we are grieving. Sometimes we are deeply sad and feel very alone. Sometimes we are angry, or feel guilty or regretful. All of these emotions are a normal part of the grieving process. Having someone to help and support us during this most difficult time is one of the many benefits of grief counseling. A professional grief counseling therapist understands the stages of grief that you are going through. You can make it through grief and loss in your life with hope, comfort, and faith. You can know that someone understands and is there for you.
Today is a new day and there is hope. Things don’t have to keep going the way they are. They can get better. So call 248-649-8050 today. For more information you can visit our website
“Our mission is to inspire hope and healing, and offer our support and help to the people with whom we work so that they might live their lives to the fullest with joy, inner peace, confidence, and love for life, self, and others.”
Santa Rosa California Grief Counselor Frieda L. Ferrick, MFT

Frieda Ferrick has been a licensed counselor working in the Santa Rosa area since 1993. She works with individuals dealing with grief and loss, and recovering from childhood trauma. She has also supervised interns since 2005.
Orlando Florida Grief Counselor Yolanda Brailey

Yolanda is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Southwest Orlando and the Owner/Founder of Life Enhancement Counseling Services. She has extensive experience helping clients deal with grief/loss, and her work is motivated by a genuine desire to help others resolve various problems that cause strained relationships and feelings of unhappiness, disconnectedness, frustration or a general lack of purpose. Yolanda is passionate about the life change counseling brings and her goal is to help you develop skills that will lead to a more meaningful, balanced and joyful life.
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